Academic Global


About Us


Academic Global is a link between reputable international accredited and registered University agent to internationally recognized Journal publication platforms. With the aim of helping QUALIFIED applicants get admitted into highly ranked institutions for undergraduate and postgraduate programs to fostering international collaboration for promoting and sharing knowledge to conferencing and Research collaborations. Academic Global accepts original manuscript from findings of researchers globally in all discipline for publication into our indexed journals.


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Academic Global Journals


We publish interdisciplinary Journals which includes  Global Journal of Built Environment (GJBE), Journal of Engineering Computational and Applied Sciences (JECAS), Journal in Modern and Environmental Transactions (MET), and Journal of Science Engineering Technology and Management (JSETM).





Web of Science


Google Scholar


"Hosting and Publication of World-class Standard Articles Is Our Watchword"


We Publish Scholarly Articles

Academic Global is your home for scientific & academic publications. We cover a wide range of academic disciplines. We serves the world's research and scholarly communities, and aims to be one of the largest publishers for professional and scholarly societies

Renowned Editors and Reviewers

Academic Global journals maintain the highest standards of peer review, with some internationally-recognized editors serving on our editorial boards.

Aim and Scope

We publish Open Access online journal, which publishes original research articles, review articles and letter articles in the field of engineering, environmental sciences, social science, management and computational and applied sciences, aiming at providing the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments in the concerned fields.

We publish peer-reviewed journals..

In a scientific journal, a major consideration is whether the book reviewed has made a contribution to medical science. Cynics may well say that they know of no psychiatric text that would meet such conditions, and they may be right.
Trust leads to trust
Trust leads to trust
We are trusted for publishing papers with high impact to the academic community
Impact is everything
Impact is everything
A page from a journal of modern experimental physics will be as mysterious to the uninitiated as a Tibetan mandala. Both are records of enquiries into the nature of the universe.
One team, one goal
One team, one goal
A research journal serves that narrow borderland which separates the known from the unknown.